Kinder – Happy Moments

Kinder is one of those brands that I remember fondly as a kid, but I naturally grew out of beyond a certain age. I guess after a while you realize that you’re getting the eggs for the cheap toy inside, not the chocolate and realize you could just get chocolate on it’s own and transition to other brands. And then you realize they also offer other varieties beyond the eggs and you’re reeled back in for a bit.

There’s quite a variety pack here. I count five different chocolates. I don’t know if this is supposed to be a Christmas or seasonal assortment, but I would definitely feel some holiday spirit if I got this in December as a kid.

There seems to be an uneven distribution.

First up is the Kinder Mini. This looks to just be a min bar version of the chocolate egg that is what they are most known for.

What an interesting shape.

The outside is milk chocolate while the inside is white chocolate. Pretty standard stuff, it’s also a lot sweeter than I remember, so I’m not too crazy about it. I can see how kids would enjoy this though.

Really white, that filling is.

The second is the Kinder Bueno Mini. This is basically a little chocolate shell with a small wafer shell on the inside that houses hazelnut cream inside. This was a classic when I was a kid and it still is.

Basically looks like they chopped off one portion of the standard bar.

The hazelnut cream on the inside is what really makes this chocolate, with it’s super smooth and flavourful creamy center. A winner in my book.

That creamy filling.

Next up is the Kinder Bueno Mini White – basically the same as the milk chocolate version except with white chocolate coating on the outside.

Basically only swapping out the outer coating.

While I tend not to like white chocolate because of how sweet it is, this one isn’t too sweet, probably because the milk chocolate is equally as sweet. This one is a winner too, though not as great because I would rather pair the filling with dark chocolate.

I prefer the milk chocolate version.

Fourth is the Kinder Schoko-Bons. These little egg shaped chocolates are similar to the Kinder Mini, except they have a bit of hazelnut bits scattered throughout the white chocolate filling in the middle.

A small part of me wants to squish this.

These are also on the sweet side similar to the Kinder Mini, but they have the benefit of some hazelnut bits, as well as being in a fun to eat egg shape.

A little bit of extra in there.

Finally, we have the Kinder Mini with cereal. These are similar to the Kinder Mini but have cereal pieces inside. The cereal itself reminds me of the puffed rice and wheat cereals I had as a kid, and I didn’t realize how well it pairs with chocolate.

The drawing of wheat gives you an idea of what you’re in for.

It helps add a variety to the otherwise somewhat one note texture, and also provides a distinct flavour that helps to cut some of the sweetness. As much as I love the Bueno pieces, I feel like this one has become my new favourite.

We have a winner here.

Overall I could see this being really popular with kids. Maybe I’m a bit old, but on average these are a bit sweeter than I would like. While I still enjoy these, I can’t have too many in a sitting before feeling kind of nauseous or off, so maybe that’s a good thing. Either way I think the assortment is a great way to try a little bit of all the different varieties Kinder has to offer, and if nothing else, this makes for a great gift.

A lot of allergens here. Be warned.

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