Milky Peko-Chan Candy – Shine Muscat Grape
I’ve commented before on the iconic Peko-Chan and how I find it kind of creepy and unsettling, but we aren’t here to talk about that…much. We’re here to talk about a favourite flavour of mine, muscat grapes, and how they are part of the Milky chewy candy line up. To be clear, Milky has been around for a very long time, I just never felt compelled to try any of their flavours. But that changes with the advent of a muscat grape version.
This pouch comes with a lot of little chewy milky ball shaped candies that come wrapped in this cute wax wrapper. It is really giving me vintage candy vibes and I love it. The wax also isn’t air tight, it’s just a typical wrapper you’d see for taffies or caramels. I can sort of smell the muscat through it, and it smells delightful.

The best way I can think to describe these is a chewy caramel. Similar to something like a white rabbit candy, it starts kind of hard, but as it warms up in your mouth and gets softer, it begins to dissolve into this sticky lump of candy and if you aren’t careful, have it get stuck all between the cracks of your teeth. By no means is the chew bad, in fact I quite enjoy it. But herein lies the biggest reason I like Hi-Chews over these, not only does Hi-Chew have a better bounce in the chew, it also doesn’t stick to your teeth after. I attribute both of those to the gelatin content, but I digress.

The flavour here is not messing around, it knows that you know it’s muscat, and it strides on confidently with that knowledge to walk all over your taste buds. At point will you mistaken this for anything other than muscat. It’s strong, it’s on point, and it permeates through the entire chewing process. Given that the base flavour is dairy based, it ends up tasting like a smooth ice cream or milk shake, but again predominantly muscat flavour.
While this is not going to be a Hi-Chew situation, as a standalone chewy candy it’s pretty solid. I didn’t go into this expecting very much, but I will admit it exceeded said expectations and delivered an experience I would not mind going through again. The big benefit here is, for the price you pay you get a lot of nice little wrapped candies, making it great to share with others.