Mintia – Calpis
Now that Mintia is on my radar, I’m starting to notice that it’s everywhere. Like, EVERYWHERE. I’m sure there’s a teachable moment somewhere in all this – something something try new things, something something new possibilities, something something opportunity is the intersection of something and something. I’m not a motivational speaker, as you can plainly see. My point is, it’s always good to give everything a chance.
So right off the bat, I feel a little lied to. I was somehow under the impression that the little mints would have adorable little faces on them. This is not the case. In fact, they aren’t even the same colour. The tablets i the picture are a baby/sky blue with little emotes on them. The actual tablets are off white, like eggshell white. Most importantly, they lack any image or texture, which I find disappointing.
Putting my disappointment aside, I will admit these smell very nice. They smell exactly like a nice cold Calpis would. Or a warm one, though I don’t imagine that would be very tasty. The tablets are really quite small, and are the standard size similar to all the other ones.

The flavour is exactly as you’d imagine Calpis, if it was dry, room temperature, and in the form of a mint. Like most mints, this basically eats like a tablet of compressed sugar; you leave it your mouth and let it melt as the flavour percolates across your tongue. I’ve been waiting for a chance to use that word. Heh. Without beating a dead horse, which I feel like I may already have done, the flavour of Calpis is like if you took Greek Yogurt, added some lemon juice, but also added enough sugar to cut away the sour so that you’re left with a tangy, sweet dairy treat. The flavour is quite nice, and kind of makes me crave an actual drink. Maybe that’s what their plan was all along. The mint is barely noticeable in the flavour, and it’s only after popping 3 or 4 that I notice there was a hint of mint, as my mouth does have a nice minty aftertaste in it.
If you like mints or Calpis, you’ll probably like this. They are a nice small size so they can make for a nice quick pick me up. They also manage to leave a nice refreshing mintiness without affecting the flavour of the tablet, which is impressive. Also, a nice bonus is that the entire package is only 25 calories. I feel like this works on enough levels that I could see this as a desk snack – something I keep on the side and grabbing a tablet whenever I’m craving something more unhealthy. This could probably stem the cravings for at least a while until I get real food in me.
So yes, I would recommend this. Give it a try, but don’t be bamboozled like I was and think that the tablets have cute faces or expression on them. Still feeling betrayed about that.