Mintia – Limemint Crush
With all the snacking I do, sometimes it’s nice to just have something to keep my mouth busy without packing it full of sugar or calories. Sometimes I don’t feel like chewing, which is where mints come in handy. I don’t have much of a history or preference towards mints, but since Mintia made its debut on my reviews, I’ve come to appreciate the little circles of flavour. They are indeed quite tiny, but are quite flavourful despite what their appearance would suggest.
I mentioned in my previous review that Mintia as a product line has made it’s way on my radar due to my positive experience with the prior flavours. I have never been huge on lime as a flavour, but I like mint. Not sure where that leaves me with this, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Have you ever had a Fisherman’s Friend lozenges? This reminds me of one of the flavours, both in flavour and intensity. It definitely feels like something that has menthol or some soothing ingredients to help with a sore or ailing throat. It makes it more of something I would want when I feel sick or have a sore throat, not so much as a snack of any kind. Although I guess if I need a mid-day pick me up and I don’t want coffee, this makes for a nice punch in the throat.
Not much to say about the texture here; it’s very similar to other compressed sugar candies – they are very chalky and if you try to chew it before it melts, it can be a bit gritty. For the most part, you’ll want to avoid that to get the most out of the little morsel. But maybe that’s just me. I can’t police your snacking habits, only suggest to you what I consider the optimal experience.
While I don’t consider this a snacking pick, I would consider this part of any standard desk line-up. My idea of a desk line-up is a group of consumables I keep on my desk on hand in case of specific situations. The specific situation that this would be required is the aforementioned sore throat in need of minty relief. That and possibly getting a minty kick in the nuts at just the right time, in a tiny little package. I know that for me at least, it’s going to be sitting on a desk so the size may not be a big selling point, but it’s there for anyone who cares. I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but I kind of like that annoying click-clack sound that it makes when I shake it around. But only when I do it. When someone else does it, i want to grab the container from them and chuck it into the nearest body of water. Yea, maybe just me.
As far as I know, these are widely available, and they are pretty common from what I see. The only question is if they have this flavour available. Given that it seems to be a pretty standard and generic flavour, I don’t think it should be hard to find these. Definitely worth the ~$2 or $3.