Mintia Voice – Lemon Ginger
Ah yes, Mintia. It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve paid Mintia a visit. It’s not due to lack of trying or not liking it, it just seems I haven’t been able to find any new flavours until now. Mintia is just like a lot of other Japanese mint and candy brands – they do lots of seasonal and one off flavours. Oddly enough none of those have really had it to my side of the pond, so I’ve had to resort to extreme measures – the internet.
These are the big boi tablets. The ones where they claim they can last up to five minutes in your mouth. I’ve only ever gotten at most 3 minutes from these, and that usually required an excessive amount of mental restraint not to bit. I guess maybe my mouth is big or my saliva is more acidic, so mileage may vary.
If you are curious to try these, the most important thing is to be 100% sure you like ginger – it’s basically a ginger candy with a bit of lemon to help cut it. Overwhelmingly though, it’s ginger through and through. It has a nice warming spice to it that you get from ginger, and unlike ginger this one persists the entire time. I can’t say I am a huge fan of ginger, but I do find it’s soothing properties helpful and I tend to associate ginger with healthy and healing. These are the type of mints you pop in when you feel sick or want something to refresh you. Whether it does anything is debatable, but if I had a sore throat I would reach for these without a doubt.

Not much can be said about texture here, it’s just a matter of a big tablet that slowly melts away in your mouth. I always struggle a little to not chew on it, but once I get passed that it’s not so bad. The dissolve is quite slow and allows the flavour to permeate your entire mouth over the period of what I’d say is roughly 2 to 3 minutes. They say it’s supposedly up to five minutes, but maybe my mouth is too acidic or saliva-y? Either way it’s a nice pick me up over a refreshing few minutes that leaves my mouth feeling less disgusting than it was before.
I haven’t tried these when I was feeling down or under the weather, but I imagine these won’t have quite as much as a soothing effect as a cough lozenge or throat drop. They do make you feel refreshed from the ginger spice, so I would consider these great for a mid day pick me up or just wanting to feel more awake without caffeine.