Tirol Chocolate – Rich Banana

As I run out of “must-try” chocolate flavours for Tirol, I’ve had to default to flavours I may not enjoy quite as much. Apart from the fact that I’m now in reissue territory, my blind loyalty to the brand takes the form of me settling for flavours I would otherwise not try from other brands. Anything banana, typically falls into this category. I know it’s a very popular fruit and flavour, but I’ve just never really been down for it. To this day I’m afraid to test whether I have an allergy to bananas, or my throat just happened to be itchy from something else the few times I had banana.

I don’t know what makes a banana rich, but you have to admit that is one dapper looking banana fellow. What can I say? I’m a sucker for whimsical marketing. Or maybe that’s just me rationalizing the purchase of a banana flavoured product.

Red velvet curtain make me feel like I’m going to a show.

They definitely smell of rich banana – rich in the sense that there’s a lot or its very saturated. Like having a really rich chocolatey dessert that overwhelms you with that chocolate taste and experience. Obviously whether this is good or bad depends on how you feel about banana. I’d say if not for the “allergic” reactions I’ve had in the past, I’d still be fairly indifferent to banana as a whole.

Just slightly deformed. Slightly.

Much like the smell, the chocolate is overwhelmingly banana. I guess that should come as no surprise as the chocolate is banana flavoured, there’s banana cream in the centre, and there’s banana paste. The whole thing ends up coming together somewhat one note, but to no ones surprise it’s kind of like eating a banana.

The texture is a chocolate shell that encases the cream and paste on the inside, that actually does a good job of reminding me of an actual ripe banana, squishy and kind of coats your mouth with the mushy sweetness. If you like bananas for their texture, you’ll probably like this. I prefer things that aren’t quite as fudge in consistency. Though it might be my general disinterest in banana flavour.

The inside is soft and has a banana-like texture – mushy mush.

Speaking of flavour, this is as mentioned, overwhelmingly banana. This is similar to the banana milk treats you might find in Asia, and skews a bit more to the natural side than banana flavoured cough medicine. Not much, but enough that it reminds me more of banana milk than banana medicine.

I’ll admit that part of the reason I don’t mind this is that banana milk brings me back to a simpler time in my life, when having a cold was not all that bad because I got to stay home and have banana cough medicine. Oh how strong a force nostalgia is. All this to say, if you like banana, these are good. If not, you will want to steer clear of this 1% banana and his fancy mustache.

Quite a lot of calories per piece.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.