Way Better Snacks Tortilla Chips – Avocado Ranch

Avocado’s are versatile, sure, but I had no idea people were making ranch dressing out of it. I honestly didn’t know that was a thing until I saw this snack. I can’t say I’ve had first hand experience with this brand, but I have seen them around. They definitely appeal to the closeted hipster in me, with the use of sprouted flax and quinoa as fancy, supposedly healthier ingredients. But the part that drew me in was the flavour. I was curious to see what avocado ranch would taste like. I’ve had avocados before, and I’ve had ranch in all sorts of varieties. But the marriage of the two piqued my interested more than anything else. All the other stuff like being gluten free, non GMO is great and all, but realistically the flavour is what drew me in. The other stuff is just gravy. Or dressing in this case?

This smells very interesting. It’s not your garden variety ranch flavour. If anything, something about this smells almost like a certain kind of fried chicken to me, which is kind of weird. I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s due to the buttermilk and spices, in combination with the fried chip smell.

I want whatever avocados make these smell so good.

Honestly, the flavour reminds me of fried chicken too. I can’t speak to how it tastes in comparison to actual avocado ranch, but it has a very pleasing flavour overall. The best way I can think to describe it is that it’s like a premium version of cool ranch Doritos. They are much less saltier and colourful to look at, but the flavour is similar with some extra flavour notes. Instead of the sharp flavour that other ranch chips have, this one is smooth, and low key, like that super chill friend we all know who is always saying “no worries” and is always smiling. My guess is the avocado portion of the flavour is tho thank for that. One thing I appreciate is that the flavour isn’t too strong or overpowering, and has a nice clean finish to it. It doesn’t linger very long, and there’s almost no aftertaste, making it a nice light snack.

I love all the seeds. But I also like multigrain bread so…

The texture is not very different from your standard tortilla chip. I guess it’s a little thicker and has more chew to it, kind of like comparing multigrain bread to white bread. I personally like that though. Something about the extra seeds and grains gives it more texture, though not so much that you really notice it unless you’re looking for it.

Overall I enjoy these quite a bit, and I wouldn’t mind getting another bag of these. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve never tried this flavour, but I really do want more. I do have to give them credit for using healthier ingredients and still managing to make it taste just as good as the super unhealthy ones. Kudos to them for that. But mostly these taste good. So go try them if you can.

I know all these things are supposed to be selling points, but all I care is these are tasty.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.