Morinaga Mini Caramel 4 Flavor Mix
Before Morinaga made Hi-Chews, they were actually pretty famous for other snacks like their caramels. The caramels are basically what you’d get here in the west, those chewy, sweet little cubes of diary and sugar.…
Something something random
Before Morinaga made Hi-Chews, they were actually pretty famous for other snacks like their caramels. The caramels are basically what you’d get here in the west, those chewy, sweet little cubes of diary and sugar.…
I feel like it’s been a while since Hi-Chew has started doing doubles as a flavour. The idea is simple, combine two random flavours and hope for the best. At least that’s how a lot…
You ever have those moods where you feel like eating something that is out of your typical flavour “profile”? Like feeling the craving to consume spicy food even though you are certified spice wimp that…
To date, I’ve yet to come across a lime mint that I enjoy enough to become a repeat buyer for. I mostly blame Fisherman’s Friend. No, that’s not some weird family friend that gave me…
I’m always on the lookout for interesting gummy candies. By interesting, I mean ones that are different from the typical stuff you find laying about. For me this usually means they have an interesting flavour,…
Life Savers are a classic candy. In my day, they were cheap, available almost everywhere, and came in all sorts of crazy flavours. The candy started life as a hard candy with the distinct lifesaver…
When you hear about something with pineapple and orange, what do you think of, and why is it always tropical? Whether it’s a drink, or some fruit flavour product, I can almost guarantee you pictured…
Growing up, we didn’t really know how pervasive the sugar issue was. We knew it was bad for you, but we didn’t know exactly how bad, and that it was in basically everything. Apparently “big…
While it would be fair to say that most Japanese brands of snacks, candies and other confections are fairly experimental, I’d say that in the realm of chewy candy Puccho is one of the crazier…
It’s been a while, but I’m still sometimes surprised that I’ve ended up this deep into Mintia as a product. On the face of it, it’s a mint and I don’t like mints. But then…