Hi-Chew – Banana & Milk

Admittedly I’ve done a lot of duplicate flavours by now, and even if this isn’t a dupe, surely there is a lot of overlap with my other reviews. I have a tough time figuring how different banana milk will be from banana milkshake, or banana flavoured milk. Maybe a little different from banana yogurt, but you get the point. That being said, I see a stick of Hi-Chew and I have a hard time saying no and reigning in my impulse control. And so here we are. Let’s make the most of it shall we?

Opening this pack is no different from other ones, except the aroma of banana is one of the stronger smells you can emulate. This bad boy is freshening up my desk as the smell of banana wafts into my nose every time a slight breeze passes by. I’m not a big fan of banana, but even I have to admit this is quite an enticing and appetizing aroma. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I don’t dislike banana as I once did, and I’m just getting old and rusty.

The outer layer appears to be banana, and the milk flavour is on the inside. This is interesting because it’s not quite banana milkshake in flavour. It’s more like if you took a sweet condensed milk flavour, and added banana on top. The distinction is somewhat subtle, but the banana milkshake flavour was more smooth and had a stronger dairy flavour, whereas this one is sort of just more like a banana covered in sweet condensed milk.

It looks virtually identical to the milkshake one.

I’ve gotten on my high horse many times about the superiority of Japanese Hi-Chew, and I still hold firm to that. I’ve yet to find another chewy candy that quite matches up to that perfect balance in texture that they have. It has that bouncy chew that people like about chewing gum, but also an underlying creaminess and smooth finish that you will remember. Mostly because it doesn’t get sticky at any point and you don’t have to worry tasting it between your teeth hours later.

Would I get this again? Well if you really think about it, I technically already have. This flavour isn’t all that different from the other ones I’ve had, and is very banana forward. As someone who does not pine or particularly enjoy banana, I still find this to be very well done and suffice to say, I would do it again.

There’s nothing to see here. Business as usual.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.

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