Hi-Chew Doubles – Cherry and Strawberry
And deeper down the Hi-Chew doubles hole we go. At this point it’s become more of a game of which flavours and fruits they haven’t combined. Cherry and strawberry seems pretty tame and normal right? They’re both berries, and they’re both red and popular flavours in candy. What could go wrong? The worst case scenario I see is that this tastes boring, rather than bad. Hard to go wrong with the red fruit duo.
Right off the bat the smell is more on the cherry side, which I guess makes sense given the outer layer is cherry. The strawberry smell is a bit there, but cherry is really what I smell the most right now.
Texture for whatever reason is a bit softer and creamier here, and not quite as bouncy and taffy like. The piece seems to disintegrate faster for whatever reason. As I chew it small pieces also start to fall off like debris off an asteroid – again not sure if that’s normal or just my pack but it is something I noticed.
The flavour is a bit weird for me. At first the cherry layer on the outside is very floral, somewhat mild and muted and it’s not until I get to the centre that the strong, fragrant strawberry flavour sucker punches me, but in a good way. You know, like when a buddy tries to snap you out of a rut or gives you tough love after a bad breakup. The cherry flavour on it’s is nothing too special and doesn’t really do much to contrast the strawberry. At first all you can taste is the cherry, but very quickly once you get the centre the strawberry flavour overpowers it and it becomes all you can taste. It’s a fun experience in that way, the flavour morphing from cherry to strawberry. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

I’m not sure why you would opt for this if you don’t like cherry, or strawberry. If you like both, this is a fun novelty but if you only like one, it might be easier to just get that specific flavour instead. They don’t clash exactly, but they don’t come together to be anything greater than the sum of the two parts. It’s more like they just take turns sharing the spotlight. It’s not bad mind you, just nothing special. If you like both and are feeling lazy to buy two sticks, I guess this could work.