Hi-Chew Doubles – Furano & Crown Melon
In the “definitive” list of the best flavours of Hi-Chew, grape is the reigning king. I don’t think anyone can, or will argue that fact except for people who don’t like grape flavour. Those people are beyond redemption, and we don’t need to talk about them. What becomes contentious is the runner up flavours. Admittedly not even I am too certain about what I would rank as number two. What I do know is that there are a number of general fruit varieties that are top contenders, the big ones that come to mind are mango, strawberry and melon.
At least in the west end of the world, strawberry is apparently the most popular, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s a common flavour, not seen as exotic in any sense of the word and easily accessible by almost all. While I do agree it’s tasty, it’s kind of basic and overdone, so I tend to prefer mango and melon. Melon seems to be more popular in the east, just by virtue of the fact that they have so many more melon flavours and varieties than mango. How else would they have been able to market a flavour that’s literally just the amalgamation of two different melon flavours?
I’ve had both of these varieties of Hi-Chew melon flavours. It’s been quite a long time since then though, and the two flavours weren’t mashed into one so I suspect this might be a tad different. Just a little bit. What I do remember though, other than noticing that they did actually taste different from each other, was that they were both quite tasty and flavours I would get again.

The Furano is the orange melon on the outside, while the inner green is the crown melon. From what I remember, the Furano had a somewhat smoky, almost earthy flavour to it that is quite distinct and hard to miss. The crown melon flavour that is part of the inner green melon is also very distinct but not as flavourful. It’s not quite bland but sort of, refreshing for lack of a better word. Imagine biting into a melon that’s not quite ripe, but has a refreshing, juicy profile to it.

The two flavours come together to make a somewhat smoky but refreshing piece. The two don’t really clash, which is to be expected of two melon flavours, but they don’t compliment each other perfectly either. Eating this, you can kind of tell there are two different melon flavours, but probably can’t quite pin it down. You would need a real melon flavour aficionado like me to help you out. But don’t worry, I got you.
In short, if you enjoy musk melon flavours like honeydew or cantaloupe, this is going to be a winner for you, as it is for me.