Hi-Chew Doubles – Golden Peach and Mango
I remember when Hi-Chew first started this doubles train, and even now after the past few years it shows no signs of slowing down. I’m wondering how much longer until they run out of combinations to use. Or maybe they’ll just rehash them and do a huge rotation of some sort. I’m more curious how long before people get tired of it. What I do know is that for all the misses, there are just as many hits. I have high hopes for this one because it’s hard to go wrong with either of these flavours on their own.
I’ve been pretty vocal, I think, about how great peach and mango are as flavours when it comes to Hi-Chew. More specifically golden peach, as it has a sweeter, juicy taste to it. Mango is also something I think fondly on, so the combination of those two flavours at worst would still be something enjoyable, right?
The forward flavour here is definitely the golden peach. It has that strong, sweet floral flavour you would imagine from a peach juice. The mango is there, but the combination of the two flavours works so well together that it’s hard to tell where one starts and the other finishes. Your brain is telling you it’s two different flavours but your mind’s tongue is having trouble telling which is which. If you handed this to me and didn’t tell me what it was, I’d say it was some sort tropical mango flavour that also tasted like peach for some reason.

At this point there’s not much more to say about texture that hasn’t already been said. It’s nigh perfect in my mind, and has the right balance between creaminess, chewiness and bounce to it. It doesn’t stick to your teeth much, and has an almost mochi like chew to it. I often think about how great it would be to find something with a superior chew to it, but also think they’ve mastered it and there’s nowhere to go but down from here. I bet this is how kids who peaked in high school felt huh?
This was a winning combo and I wouldn’t mind seeing this one make it’s rounds again. Both flavours are strong on their own, but when put together make for a pretty tasty, mouthwatering experience. I would highly recommend these. A great example of a situation where the sum is greater than it’s parts.