Hi-Chew Doubles – Watermelon and Melon
I’m back at it again with another Hi-Chew Doubles flavour. They really are milking this line of flavours for everything they can huh? I guess if you throw any combination of two popular flavours you’ll eventually hit something that works. I’m still waiting to find a flavour that I downright dislike, but the worst one I’ve had so far was still enjoyable, so maybe their on to some magic.
This flavour is the combo of watermelon and the crown melon. The crown melon is basically a breed of expensive musk melon. I’ve talked before about these expensive breeds, and while it seems obscenely expensive, it all comes down to the cost of production and the experience. Having tried some of these high end, “luxury” fruits, I have to attest that there’s a good possibility it will ruin normal, mass market fruits for you. The melons in particular are a thing of beauty. I’m not exaggerating when I say that there’s a good chance you’ll see colours differently after having even the mid-tier melons in Japan.
I have high expectations of this piece, not because it’s a fancy melon or anything, but because Hi-Chew has proven that it can do melon flavours really well. I’ve often compared their other melon flavours to a really nice quality melon milkshake or Melona ice cream bar, and I’m expecting this to deliver as well.

Smell tells me that I’m not off, with the overwhelming sweet smell of that crown melon. I don’t get much of a watermelon smell here, and I’m guessing it’s because it’s sandwiched inside by the outer melon layer which is all I smell now.
While I can taste the melon very well with its nice, rounded sweetness that causes my mouth to water just a little bit, I can barely taste the watermelon as I chew my way to the centre. I taste something that kind of seems like watermelon, with that deep, almost earthy flavour. It’s mostly drowned out by the sweet smooth flavour of the crown melon though. What I’m left with is a flavour that is like a sweet melon milkshake throughout, with a very subtle earthy note when I get to the centre. While I am a bit sad that watermelon isn’t more prominent, the melon is delicious enough that this works as a piece regardless.
Texture is the same deal as with any other Japanese Hi-Chew, that perfect balance between bouncy, chewy and firm. They somehow always know just the right amount of gelatin to put in these things to keep me coming back for more. Maybe it’s the flavour, but I find melon to be one of the more mouth watering flavours in their line up. This one is no exception and it keeps me going in for more. Definitely not for the weak of impulse control.
If nothing else, you can appreciate this for the melon flavour that it is. There are a lot of melon varieties when it comes to Hi-Chew flavours, but most are seasonable and this is still a step up from the standard melon flavour they have in the typical lineup. Give this a try and maybe you can taste the watermelon more than I can. I personally never pass on a chance to try more melon flavours from Hi-Chew.