Hi-Chew – Fantasy Mix

When east meets west – a common phrase used to denote the marriage of two vastly different cultures. Mayhaps it’s just me personal experience, but when I hear that phrase I often think of food, where someone says something pretentious like, “come try our new culinary experience where east meets west in a fusion of flavours!” I guess in all honesty it’s usually not pretentious, I’m just tired of hearing the same cliche lines. Having said that…this one does feel well served by that timeless phrase.

This is an interesting mix because it’s been an American flavour staple at this point for a few years. This is specifically marketed as special flavour that is based on the flavour formula from the US branch. It’s no secret that the flavours can be very different across the pond, and the texture is also different. I personally find the Japanese texture superior, but as far as flavours go I don’t mind the North American ones. I’m curious to see if these are more an “imported” product or they are produced in Japan. I guess we will find out the hard way.

Even the packaging mimics the American version.

This mix has 16 pieces – 6 Blue Raspberry, 6 Rainbow Sherbet and 4 Blue Hawaii. I don’t know what the thought process going into this was, but it definitely feels very North American for some reason. These are relatively common flavours over here, and none of these are particularly shocking or that out of the ordinary. They are colourful tough, so we’ll see if that works for or against them.

A very American berry if you ask me.

Blue Raspberry is a very strong, distinct raspberry flavour. I don’t know how to describe it other than very strong, very vibrant and very distinctly North American. The concept of a blue raspberry came about because red was occupied by cherry and strawberry as a colour, so they had to go with a different one for raspberry. Not much to say other than it’s very strong, and only slightly tart. Feels very typical for a North American style flavour.

This bad boy reminds me of simpler times.

Rainbow Sherbet is colourful indeed – the outer lightly pinkish red is covered a somewhat lime green in the centre. The flavour has a sherbet quality to it, as if it’s some sort of artificial fruit flavour of strawberry and lime, and maybe some hints of orange. Overall it brings me back to my days of childhood where I would want something fruity and colourful.

I swear this was a juice at one poimt.

Finally Blue Hawaii is based on the drink of pineapple, rum and blue curacao. The outer blue has a distinct sweet, citrus quality to it while the yellow layer on the inside is supposedly pineapple. It comes together to deliver a distinctly tropical flavour. A part of me is imagining some scorching sun and a nice refreshing sugary sweet treat to cut the tension.

The texture across all three is really not that different from what I’m used to with the Japanese flavours, so I’m inclined to believe they produced these in Japan, but went with flavour recipes from the US. Whereas the texture of the US ones are softer and not as bouncy, these have the same taffy bounce that is distinct to the Japan Hi-Chews. On that front I wholeheartedly approve.

Overall the flavours are distinct, and admittedly tasty, but also artificial and on the sweeter side. While I can see some people enjoying this, truthfully I enjoy the more subtle, natural flavours that the Japanese fruit varieties bring. That isn’t to say I wouldn’t gobble these up, because I can and will do it again, probably.

There’s a lot of blue in this package.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.

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