Hi-Chew Premium – Double Melon
What man doesn’t like melons? They can vehemently deny it all they want, deep down they know they love melons. It’s just a subconscious thing. They just can’t help it. And I mean, would you be able to? If you’ve ever had a really flavourful, big, juicy melon, you too would salivate at the mere thought of one. Just holding them in your hands and weighing their heft, and that juice…it’s enough to make anyone go a little crazy.
It is then no doubt expected, that today’s flavour would be a welcome addition to the Hi-Chew family of flavours. The marriage of two melon flavours. What could possibly go wrong? Similar to the other Hi-Chew Premium flavours, this one is in the shape of a ball and has a more gumball-ish texture.

I won’t go into too much detail on how the texture and mouthfeel is, but if you want you can check out this review for a more elaborate explanation. Similar to the other Hi-Chew Premium flavours, this one is in the shape of a ball and has a more gumball-ish texture.

The flavour is supposed to be the mashup of two melon varieties, the Andes melon and the cantaloupe. The best way I can think of to describe that in ways that most people might understand, is if you took a very ripe cantaloupe and a very ripe honeydew, and took a bite out of each. It has a delightful melon sweetness to it, but also has this sort of very faint, very mild earthy after taste that reminds you that the flavour is that of a musk melon. The flavour is surprisingly not too sweet, but very pleasant and refreshing. I don’t say this often, but this flavour is actually mouthwatering. Literally. My mouth began to water as I was chewing this. It was kind of embarrassing, really. Grown men shouldn’t drool, and neither should the ursine.

Well now. I guess I don’t have to tell you this but this is a clear winner. I’d even go so far as to say this is my favourite of the Hi-Chew premium flavours. I know, I know, you might be thinking, “what about grape?! Don’t you love grape?!” I do, but part of that love is knowing when something has come along that is superior. You don’t love that grape any less, but you appreciate it all the more. For despite it being inferior, it has many other things that make it the love you once knew, the love you still know, and the love you always will. All that is to say that I like this flavour better, but grape will always hold a special place in my heart. Sometimes I have to set aside my bias as a reviewer, as difficult as that may be, to give you the cold hard facts. And the fact is, this flavour is the best one thus far. Make of that what you will.
Oh and go buy this if you see it. At any price. Well, maybe not any, but at most prices.