Hi-Chew Premium – Golden Peach
I’ve been consuming enough Hi-Chew in all it’s various formats to know which one is my favourite, at least based on experience thus far. While the premium format is not my top choice, that’s mostly because of the value proposition. The amount of utility I get from a single pouch for the same price of the standard stick format is not there, and really the main thing holding it back. To be fair though, I still really enjoy them, hence why we are gathered here today.
Peach is yet another flavour Hi-Chew does quite well. With the exception of a few fruits they tend to do most flavours quite well. Trying out this pouch here is more of just seeing if they live up to their reputation, or if this is one of those outlier ones where it just doesn’t live up to the hype.
All the premium line of Hi-Chews come in a fairly tiny pouch with only a few balls of chewy goodness. The balls themselves are fairly soft, and the thin candy shell can easily be squished or cracked as you can see. It doesn’t have much bearing on their overall flavour though, and it’s mostly a presentation thing. Sometimes it’s important to look past the physical appearance of things. Plus, even with the cracks these look and smell really enticing.

I don’t really know what it is about these ball format Hi-Chews, but they almost instantly cause the mouth to water. These aren’t sour or tart in anyway, and it’s largely just a straight up peachy sweetness you would get from a peach juice or peach puree. The flavour is very strong, very distinct and instantly recognizable as peach. It almost reminds me of biting into a super ripe stone fruit like a peach or plum. Almost.

The texture is as mentioned, very chewy, very taffy like and somehow triggers those salivary glands to go in overdrive. I feel like if I was a lazier person or more tired, my mouth might actually start drooling from it all. It’s definitely got more of a chewing gum texture from the get go than your standard Hi-Chew stick pieces. It tends to dissolve and disappear a little faster, but it definitely lives up to the original vision of being a consumable chewing candy that can be swallowed versus a chewing gum. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, eh?

I really do enjoy these premium varieties, but due to the price point and the quantity each one has, the value doesn’t seem to be all that great in comparison to the OG format. While I do recommend everyone try them, I don’t know that they end up being a staple snack that you add to your standard rotation just due to how fast the price adds up. All that to say, if price isn’t an issue, these are great and I would highly recommend. Though not all of us have that sort of money to burn through so I would likely recommend sticking to the stick formats.