Hi-Chew Premium – Lemon Lime
This one is a bit overdue, not so much in the sense that it’s been highly requested or it’s all the rage, but rather it’s expired. But with most things in life, candy is one of those things that has a long enough shelf life that the best before date is more of a “suggestion” rather than a “warning”. Or so I’d like to rationalize this. I previously reviewed the Chardonnay Grape flavour that came in a similar form. At least with that one I had more of a point of reference. As far as I can remember, I don’t think I’ve had Hi-Chew’s lemon line flavour yet. Lemon yes, lemon lime, not so much. I think like many North Americans, my first association when thinking of lemon line is Sprite, 7up, or god forbid, Mountain Dew. Blech. Now I can’t STOP thinking about Mountain Dew. Oh no…

How do I describe how this smells, other than saying it smells of lemon lime? Imagine if you will A freshly cut or squeezed lemon. Now imagine a freshly cut or squeezed lime. Stay with me here, cause this is where it gets complicated – imagine them together. GASP. I know. Mind blowing. I really don’t know how to describe it any other way. I’m not going to compare it to sodas or anything like that….we all know where that leads.

Similar to the other pouch, they come in little spherical balls of soft, chalky candy shell, with that taffy, almost gum like chew in the centre. There wasn’t any noticeable difference between this and the other pouch in terms of texture. The chew is very similar to a gum ball, and unlike a gum ball it keeps its flavour throughout. The entire experience lasts much less than a gum ball though, and that’s because the candy itself disintegrates fairly quickly.

The flavour is where things get a little contentious for me. This is most definitely lemon lime, but as I’ve mentioned before, I’m not crazy about citrus in general. I think this flavour was kind of doomed to fail for me from the beginning, but that’s to no fault of the flavour itself. It’s me, not it. If I were a fan of citrus though, I’d say that this is pretty good. But I’m not, so I can’t.
While I enjoy a bit of tartness to mix things up in the flavour department, I don’t feel like this level of tart is really my jam. Had I been someone who enjoys tart and citrus flavours, I would totally be down for that. So this ultimately comes down to if you like that citrus taste, and all that extra vitamin C. If so, you can’t go wrong with it. If not, maybe pass on this. It’s a little too on point for me.