Hi-Chew Premium – White Peach
I always feel sort of ripped off when I get a pouch of these. I see the price between these and the standard, classic stick format which comes with more and in a texture that seems to last longer to boot. And yet…I find myself constantly drawn to these premium spheres of chewy delight. They say love is blind; is this what they meant by that?
In classic premium pouch fashion, these come in a fancy foil pack that is resealable. You know, in case you don’t finish what little is inside in a single sitting. These smell really good, like a perfectly ripe peach ready for you to bite into it’s juicy flesh. My mouth is watering just smelling these.

I’m still not quite sure on the science or chemistry of what’s going on, but the second you bite into one of these your mouth starts to water and saliva starts gushing out. Similar to the other Hi-Chew premium pouches, these pieces trigger something in my that causes them to make the mouth water far more than the usual, standard stick pieces. The texture is ultimately quite similar, except that these have a bouncier texture and are more reminiscent to a chewing gum than the OG variety. They also don’t last as long but as the old saying goes, the candle that burns brighter always goes out twice as fast. Or something like that. Either way, it’s a trade off and it’s going to depend on what you like.

As far as flavour goes, it’s pretty straight forward, no frills peach. It’s very sweet, floral and has that nice effervescent, refreshing stone fruit flavour. There’s a creamy quality to it as well, as the flavour doesn’t linger too long on the palate and has a nice clean finish to it. Overall quite nice and it would be very easy to pop a whole pouch of these without realizing until your jaw starts to hurt from all that chew. Actually maybe not even then as these are just the right balance of softness and chewiness.

I’ve had a lot of varieties of peach Hi-Chews, but as far as the white peach flavours go this one is probably my favourite format. While white peach is not my favourite flavour, it is certainly one I would consider getting again, and it’s one of those cases where the taste may be identical to the other formats but something about the sphere makes it better.