Hi-Chew – Umai-Chew Mikan
Citrus is far from my go to when it comes to candy flavours, but this is a Hi-Chew release, and let there be no doubt of my dedication to the cause. The trying as many Hi-Chew flavours as I can get my grubby paws on. Having tried Umai-Chew before, this is a line that is marketed as somewhat higher end flavours with extra candy bits. The logic is that the little candy pieces add more flavour and oomph to the piece.
Though I may not be a child anymore, I still fall for a lot of the sales tactics that companies use on kids – whether it’s bright shiny packaging or flashy colours, I’m ever a sucker for foils and shiny stuff. Just take a look at my ever growing collection of trading cards. Or maybe don’t. Moving on. The packaging is very enticing, even to someone uninitiated in the way of Hi-Chews.
This flavour is the citrus fruit known as mikan, which is very similar to a mandarin orange. The flavour has a sweet, zesty orange like flavour to it, but without that much of the rind flavour. Well, not until the very end. The after taste is kind of like eating into an orange peel, though I guess that’s just how they get the flavour in. Maybe. One of the things I’m not crazy about when it comes to citrus flavours is the sour, tartness and occasionally citric acid burn it leaves on my mouth. This one is pretty mild in that sense, and the sweetness helps to even out some of the tart flavour so this quite pleasant all in all.

The main difference between this and the normal mikan flavour is largely the texture. This piece has little crunchy sugar pieces that are softish, but add some variety to the crunch. You may or may not like it depending on your preference, but you have to admit it’s an intriguing piece. I personally enjoy the change of pace from the normal, straight up chewy taffy texture every once in a while. Long term though I would probably default back to the standard chew though. It really is hard to improve on perfection.
I’ve only had a few of the Umai-Chew varieties so far, but they have all impressed me enough so far, to the point where for some of these flavours I would consider getting them over the usual. Just when I thought they had reached the pinnacle of chewy candy, they find a way to reach an new height. Now I’m just looking forward to what other flavour they will crank out with this format. And my fingers are crossed that it will at some point be grape, and not green apple.