Hi-Chew – Umai-Chew Strawberry
I’m finding that Umai-Chew is really catching on. I don’t know how else to explain why they are working their way through all their other fruit flavours because why not? It’s obviously garnered some hype, so like a Disney movie, it’s going to run the formula into the ground. But hey, I’m along for the ride until the bitter end. I wonder how long before we start having Umai-Chew flavours that are actually duos. Something tells me we aren’t too far off.
Truth be told I can guess with almost completely certainty based on the smell of these that I will know how it tastes. That unmistakable aroma of fake Japanese strawberry is strong, and it draws me in with it’s siren song. Or smell. Do sirens smell? As someone whose strongest sense is smell, this burning question will haunt me now.
And unsurprisingly, it tastes exactly as I had anticipated – it’s basically no different from the standard strawberry flavour that has made Hi-Chew so popular. It’s got the same sweet, slightly floral berry flavour to it that makes your mouth water a little. Since the original flavour is pretty much as tasty as it gets, it’s hard to improve on it, so there’s no harm in this tasting just like the OG.

The texture is really the only difference between the standard flavour. As with all the other Umai-Chew flavours, this has some sugar crystals strewn about within the piece to give it a different texture and add a little flavour. While I can’t say if it adds more flavour, it does make it a bit more texture and crunch, if that’s what you like. Personally I tend to prefer the soft, chewy taffy texture of the standard Hi-Chew, but this is nice every once in a while as a change up to the formula.
Given that it’s basically the same as the original flavour with the exception of the interesting texture, I’d say give a try and see what you prefer. That being said, if the flavour and texture of the original is more to your liking, power to you. The original is slightly cheaper and far easier to find. Even if you like the texture of this over the original, they are similar enough that the normal one will satisfy you as well.
All that to say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. These are good, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone who has tried a normal strawberry Hi-Chew.