Puccho Gummy Candy – Grape & Yogurt

As we approach the new year, I find myself contemplating 2019 and all the ups and downs that came with it. Mostly, I find myself wondering where all the time went. Each day felt like an endless scramble that dragged on, but a few blinks and it’s already come to a close. I also find myself quietly ruminating on how 2020 will turn out, and if there are any goals I want to set for myself. To be clear, I don’t believe in resolutions. That is, I believe in continuous improvement. The slow and steady kind. I don’t just magically use a new year as the cut off or excuse to start something new. In 2019 I found more motivation to exercise and live an overall healthier lifestyle, which has developed into an ongoing habit which I intend to keep going as for as long as my joints will let me. It’s also the same time I ended up starting this blog which has turned into a snack review blog. It’s purely coincidental, no link whatsoever. I don’t think…regardless what happens, I can take some measure of comfort knowing that at least someone out there is reading this, or at the very least checking out those sweet camera shots I take of the candy. But enough of my old man ramblings, let’s get on with it!

I’ve done Puccho related reviews before. Their main staple is a chewy candy that is similar to Hi-Chew, but different in that they often have small gummy pieces inside the candy. Some people like it, but I found it a bit jarring, since the gummy is often very firm and hard, and has too big of a contrast to the often softer taffy like chew of the candy. Today’s product kind of avoids that altogether, and is a tube of just the gummy candy, without the taffy part. This particular flavour is grape and yogurt, and it comes in an….interesting container shape. That’s all I’m going to say about that. I also noticed there are multiple warnings on the side of the wrapper, which make me curious as to how dangerous these little gummies really are.

I always get a bit concerned seeing this many warnings on a candy…

These things are tiny little mini gum drops. The yellowish ones smell like the yogurt flavour, while the red ones smell to be the grape ones. They are so small in fact, I am almost certain they are the same ones in their chews.

Everything’s cuter when it’s tiny.

These aren’t your regular gummies, not exactly. They are quite firm, and require a bit of jaw work to chew. The best comparison I can think of is that it’s similar in consistency to Haribo gummies. For me that’s a great thing, but it may not be to everyone’s liking, especially people with fillings. The chew isn’t too tough though since ultimately, these things are tiny. Their so tiny in fact, you can chew two of them together to mix up the flavours. While I’m on the topic of flavour, the yogurt one is the classic Yakult/Calpis flavour of yogurt drink. It’s got that sweet tangy yogurt like quality to it which is what I love about the actual drinks. The grape tastes more like a grape soda than the fruit, which actually mixes well with the yogurt flavour. I tried putting the two together and the combo worked well, reminding me of a grape flavoured Calpis.

I like these gummies in terms of the flavour and texture. The size also makes them super easy to snack on without making a mess, and sharing them is just as easy. The big selling point for me is that it comes in a fairly sturdy plastic bottle that is small and can easily be stowed away for quick snacks, when you need a fix. They come in a wide variety of flavours too, so you can bet I’ll be giving the other ones a try as well.

Apparently the whole container is 130 calories.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.