Hi-Chew Doubles – Peach and Plum

I often like to make fun of companies that run out of ideas, having to resort to overdone things like re-releases and remasters. Maybe I’m just getting old but I’ve noticed a staggering number of remasters and reboots of all franchises when it comes to media. This isn’t even just film and TV anymore – Doritos recently brought back their line of 3D Doritos. As much as I loved them as a kid, I can’t say I was super excited to see them come back. Were they good and fun? Sure. Would I go out of my way to buy them?…Actually yes, probably just the one time. Or two.

My point is that when companies start to recycle ideas, I get a bit concerned. Hi-Chew does bring back flavours, as a lot of their releases are limited time or seasonal, so it makes sense. I do feel like they’re starting to grasp at straws now, because they’ve really leaned into their doubles offering and are basically combining any two random fruits they have done flavours for before. I mean, I’m not complaining but I am curious where it will end, if ever.

Out of all the crazy and mundane combos they’ve done, this is one of the more sane and reasonable ones. Peach and plum share a lot in common, being stone fruits and what not so it doesn’t seem all that crazy to combine them. Given that they are both stone fruits, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if you were to tell me that an actual peach/plum hybrid exists. If plums and apricots can be combined into a hybrid, why not peach and plums?

Everything’s peachy.

The outer layer is peach while the inner layer is the plum. The peach is pretty standard stuff, very mild, floral and overall light and pleasant in flavour. There isn’t much tartness and is just a nice, rounded sweetness to it, much like the standard peach flavours. The center is plum, and I’m not sure specifically what variety of plum it is, but it’s more of a tart, sour variety. Actually, the flavour reminds me a lot of the ume plum flavour I had in the ume and lemon flavour. I find this combo works better though, since it isn’t just sour throughout, and the sweet from the peach plays real well with the more sour and tart plum. The two flavours are both quite fragrant and floral, but in a good way. You end up with a very flavourful piece with a near perfect combo of peach and plum. It’s the variety of sweet vs. tart, which feels like the two flavours are doing a fancy dance to get your attention; one second it’s sweet and then it’s tart, and then sweet again and then sweet for a bit more and then tart. It’s unpredictable and I love it.

There’s no noticeable difference in texture of this flavour versus any of the other ones, and if there’s one thing I can always count on, it’s the amazing texture that Hi-Chews have. But just the Japanese ones. Let’s be clear about that. I like the more chewing gum taffy texture of these than the softer US and Taiwan counterparts. Also those ones feel greasier to the touch than these.

Unlike some of the other flavours that are straight up sweet or sour, this one does a pretty good balance between the two, and for that I give this big thumbs up. There isn’t much bad I can say about this piece, other than that if you don’t like peach or plum, this piece is probably not for you. Then again, if you don’t like plum or peach, what kind of monster are you, and why are you even reading this?!

19 calories. Never fails.

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From the frigid, majestic North (Canada), hails a creature like no other. Is it a bear that took up viking-ing? Or a viking that turned into a bear? Perhaps it is beyond human comprehension what the creature truly is, much like Bigfoot or Nessie. What we do know, is that much like everything else in the universe, it is made of star stuff.